Friday, March 22, 2019

The stories here all true, I lost on some but on very few. I play for keeps. If a client is not wanting to pay, I stop doing business with them. My friend Hazel calls bad payers shoplifters.
You don't want shoplifters in your business, they are bad for the bottom line. I have used every one of the techniques in this blog to collect money over the years.

Accidental Entrepreneurship

Small businesses are the backbone of the world economies. This is true across the planet. Small businesses create more employment, employ more people and represent 90% of all enterprises. South Africa is no exception. Entrepreneurial spirit abounds.
In the South African context things are slightly different though. Many people have started businesses that they never would have in better times with more equitable treatment for citizens. Many constitutional non-blacks have started their own businesses because they couldn't find employment.
These businesses started with doing a private job for someone that needed their skills and turned into employers of others over time. I call this scenario, "Accidental Entrepreneurship". Many of these small business owners do this because they had no choice.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Pretoria Web Designer, Design for the visitors not for designers

Design your website to make it visitor friendly. Designers may like awards but businesses like sales.  Your navigation needs to be simple to understand, your content needs to be unique and valuable.

Pretoria SEO specialists Imagimedia understand that profits and sales are the two things that drive a business. Without sales and profits, businesses die.

We design websites that get results, Sales are the results we aim for, any web site not developing sales leads is not worth having.

I used to blog here, and I suppose I will again

I have pretty much stopped blogging over the years. I last used this blog in 2010, but in an attempt to get some good search engine results for my new business, I am starting to blog again.

I am hoping that this blog because of its age is going to help me shoot up the rankings.